1980 NCCC staff noted increasing rates of teen pregnancy. As a result, North Country Children’s Clinic accepted a federally funded contract through Planned Parenthood of Northern New York to provide prenatal education services to adolescents. The combination of WIC foods, intensive education and regular prenatal health care resulted in improved pregnancy outcomes. When funding from Planned Parenthood ended, the Maternal and Early Childhood Foundation agreed to cover some of the Adolescent Pregnancy Program costs.
1982 With a small State grant, the Clinic developed a fourth program to address the need for families to use child auto safety seats. CHICS, the agency’s car seat program, promoted childhood safety and loaned seats to families lacking the financial resources to purchase their own. CHICS no longer exists but the safety education is incorporated into our health and nutrition programs.
1982 The Board of Directors honored agency co-founder Richard E Charles by establishing the Richard E. Charles Memorial Fund. Funds placed in the REC Fund are to be used for delivering healthcare services to uninsured and underinsured children.
1988 North Country Children’s Clinic initiates a School Breakfast Program in the Watertown City School District. In the following years, the Clinic operated a Nutrition Outreach Program to promote school breakfast programs in other rural school districts in St. Lawrence, Lewis, and Franklin Counties. With a 100% success rate, the program ended in 1995.
September 11, 1989 NCCC opened the Pediatric Medical Program (Primary Care) in the City of Watertown. Although any child has access to this program, the goal is regular healthcare for uninsured/underinsured children. Pediatricians and nurse practitioners saw patients from birth to 21 years, for wellness, and acute and chronic illnesses. NCCC physicians, on staff at Samaritan Medical Center (SMC) since 1995, also provide inpatient care. Clients enrolled in the PCC program have 24-hour access to medical staff through an “on call” system. The Clinic is open some evenings and weekend hours. Expanded hours ensure that Clinic families don’t have to visit the hospital emergency rooms for primary care needs. The New York State Department of Health, the New York State Legislature, and the Northern New York Community Foundation provided start-up funds for the Watertown Primary Care Program.
1989 The NCCC Board established the Children’s Action Award to recognize individuals or groups in the community who have made a major contribution to improving the lives of children in Northern New York.